Award Work

Award Work

win awards for your work

HMR prepares full entry packages, determined by your company’s overall award goals. This includes interviewing and writing the project descriptions, selecting the best photographs, preparing, cleaning up floorplans, labelling and uploading everything (some programs require other items) to complete the on-line submission.

Results – We’ve stopped counting!
We’ve had multiple Finalists and Winners in every program that we’ve entered. It’s just as exciting to wait for the results of a first-time entrant as it is for someone that we’ve worked with for years! It may sound kind of ‘nerdy’ but I’m probably as excited for your win as you are!

Award programs happen year-round, but initial planning can’t start soon enough. Photography needs to be coordinated to get the best results and of course, you need to know what kind of budget you’ll need, so there’s no surprises!

What I offer to my clients:

  • My expertise and commitment to present their projects in the very best light
  • Strategic advice on the best programs and categories to enter to leverage their company
  • My time to focus on their entries so that they can focus their time on their business
Award Work


CHBA BC Georgies

CHBA National Awards of Housing Excellence (previously SAM Awards)

HAVAN Awards for Housing Excellence (previously Ovation Awards)

Okanagan Housing Awards of Excellence (previously Tommie Awards)

CHBA Vancouver Island VIBE Awards

UDI Awards of Excellence

  • NKBA
  • Green Builder
  • SubZero Wolf
  • Chamber of Commerce