Our final stakeholder in the award-making process is the Marketing person/team. I started my career as a Marketing Assistant and worked my way through the various roles including Marketing Manager and Marketing Director! No matter what my position was, the process of applying for ‘Awards’ was no different than all of the other marketing projects and tasks. It required time management, a budget, and a plan.
I have to admit that one year we had to take a pass on applying for awards, not because we didn’t think they were important, but we had a large development that was launching to the public in the same month….there just weren’t enough hours or people to do both properly! Perhaps that’s when I realized that there was a finite number of hours/days to deadline day, and I just couldn’t squeeze another minute out the time available!
I appreciate the fact that several
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So, I’m just going to say it – the Construction Department hates when they first hear that their project is being entered into awards…why…because they’re all about building a quality home by a certain date and they don’t need any more interruptions than they already have! I know this sounds harsh, but I have the greatest respect for their opinion, because it tells me that they care about what they do!
I also know that this award entry/marketing opportunity is the beginning of another construction project down the road…so I don’t feel bad about asking for their cooperation!
Having started my career in a multi-family production company, I have always respected the role of the Construction Manager. They have a huge responsibility with a complex schedule of tasks, being done by hundreds of people and with millions of dollars on the line. I always connect with them and discuss what
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Entering awards is an investment – both financially and the time required. Just like any other marketing effort, there needs to be goal, backed up with a well thought-out action plan. Sometimes I organize and oversee the entire process and, other times I incorporate my tasks into the company’s team effort. Either way, our 3rd Stakeholder, plays an important part in the process.
Stakeholder #3 – Finance Person/Department
Entering award programs have expenses attached to them and although I’d highly defend ‘the value’ of entering awards, I recommend that you prepare a budget to present to your financial gate-keeper!
Like everything else if you just guess a number with no breakdown of the plan, the number is going to sound expensive to them. But if you break down the costs and recognize that there are spin-off benefits, it will be easier to justify the expense.
Firstly, photography costs will include staging the
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I’m often asked about the value of entering award programs. I enjoy the conversation that follows, because it’s more about what they value than what I’m offering from a marketing perspective. As a crucial stakeholder in this process, it’s important for me to give them the information that they need to make an informed decision. Then if they’re on-board, we move forward in a team effort!
Stakeholder #2 – Company Owner (i.e. Boss)
Their/your heart has to be in it!
If you’re going to present your project in the best light possible, you have to be committed to doing your absolute best…. no last-minute attempts, no ‘just good enough’… I had a client call me up 2 days before the Georgies deadline a few years ago. He had a reno that he thought was worthy and could I help get the entries in. I said no – in fact, I was annoyed
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Just another Process, or is it?
If this is the year that you’re going to enter the Homebuilding Industry Awards, that’s great news! There are key steps to follow to ensure a successful entry. No different than any other project, here’s the first step – Who are your stakeholders? I’ve identified 5 different ones… let’s start with the most important one!
Stakeholder #1 – Homeowners
If you have a renovation or custom home project, you’ll need their permission to photograph the home. Plus, all 3 levels of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Industry Awards require a signed permission from the homeowner allowing the use of the photos for their marketing purposes. Many of my clients include something in the initial contract so that there are no surprises. But, from my experience, you need to keep that conversation going throughout the process. More than once, I’ve seen a homeowner change their mind, and
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The Canadian Homebuilders Association, like the ‘Oscars’, offer award programs as a format to showcase the work of our member Builders, Renovators, Designers and Suppliers. Unlike the Oscars, there’s no ‘out of this world’ swag, but there are some beautiful trophies!
I’ve been preparing award entry submissions for many years. Some of them were for projects that I was directly involved in and many that were my client’s projects. I am pleased to have achieved hundreds of finalist positions and dozens of winners for my clients! Each entry is unique, and my focus is always to make that one the winner!
With plenty of available articles and books written on the psychology of ‘winning’, I want to share some of my observations which are more anecdotal, and kind of fun!
My first job in the homebuilding Industry was for a small Marketing and Communication company. One of
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I’m not going to dwell on how Spring 2020 has turned out, but just to say, I don’t think too many of us saw that coming!
Previously, we were enjoying a positive economic climate and the residential construction industry was kept busy as consumers planned for new homes and changes to their existing homes. Things changed, and we have been thrown into new territory.
I expect that Builders and Renovators have re-examined their business and adjusted their 2020/2021 plans and processes accordingly. Now, more than ever it is important that they also have a well thought out marketing plan and budget.
My advice is to reassess your marketing efforts. Have you been doing the same thing year in and year-out because it seemed easy and achievable? Is your marketing plan focused on responding to enquiries?
Many of my clients have long established business roots with a strong referral network. Some
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